The team fee was introduced in the 2011-2012 season, and levied so that the Association can provide infrastructure not covered by registration fees. RAB has historically kept our registration fees as low as possible.
Many of the costs to operate, develop and grow the Association continue to increase. These costs include ice rentals, equipment costs, skills development costs, marketing and administrative costs.
Team fees are not unique to RAB as most ‘not for profit’ organizations set a Team Fee/Levy in some format which helps keep initial registration costs low and attempts to bridge the gap between registration fees and operational costs.
The idea behind a Team Fee is that as a group, the team will raise funds which will pay this fee so individual families will not have to carry this additional charge. However, as has happened in the past certain teams have been unsuccessful in finding sponsors and have not committed to fundraising and in that case the cost will be shared by each family. Once the Team Fee has been paid, all other revenue raised by the Team is for the Team. It is hoped that through active fundraising and sponsorship the Team will raise additional funds to cover tournaments and social events.
RAB is asking that each team contribute to the success of our organization by contributing to the operating expenses which in turn allows us to provide a good infrastructure in which all teams participate. This is a policy which will allow us to move forward in a positive manner as we continue to grow the association.
The Team Fee is due December 1 of each season.